Back in March of this year, '07, I was approached by one of the second year students, those about to graduate at the end of this summer, if I would be interested in speaking at the graduation ceremony that was held tonight. I am very honored to be asked to speak at their ceremony. At the end of the service, as the students were acknowledging the instructors and professors, I too was awarded a Certificate of Award. This is the second time in my career that I have been recognized for my efforts; the first time was when I received the Most Valuable Technologist Award from the 2004 Radiol
ogic Technology graduating class from the University of Arkansas. The award I received tonight was from my Alma Mater, I am very flattered. Thank you all.
Michael Kerr
We are the lucky ones to have had you with us at such a special time in our careers. You have once again contributed to our education even though our instructors were done with us. Reminding us of the importance on mentoring is the one lesson our instructors failed to teach, however it is just as important as central rays, KVP and MAS.
It is in our power to show compassion, patience and understanding with future students. We can teach them as well as learn from them. I hope all 17 of us continue your legacy...
Thanks for everything!
Ah, Big Mike! You were as wonderful as I'd hoped you'd be. As we all graduate with big egos and thinking the world is at the distal portion of our phalanges, your speech about mentoring others was a well-timed grounder. I'm totally in agreement with you that we need to be positive and help others grow -- students, coworkers and patients alike. I, too, have had one of those techs in a rotation site treat me as little more than dirt and I pray that no one ever walks away from me with thoughts of feeling the same way.
I learned so much during my time with you at Mercy; I think you're a big reason I love ER work the best. I'll never forget seeing you climb on top of a stretcher and start chest compressions so that a nurse could tend to other "nursely" duties. At that critical moment in the gentleman's life, a xray wasn't what he needed most, yet an xray tech was able to make a difference in his life.
I certainly hope our paths collide and we're able to work together again in the future. Thanks again for sharing your time with us at graduation!
Hey Brother am very proud of you.
I always have and always will be proud of you.
Awards is great however , seeing that smile on some ones face after you helped them. Is even better. That is something that will never fade.
Your Mommy is proud of you too, and I think all the hours I spent typing in all those medical terms into that first Apple 2C computer were worth it! MOM
I'm very proud of you as well, but I'm wondering after reading your mother's post if you are ever going to learn to type faster than hen pecking.
Love You,
The First Lady Of NADS
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